Budget-Friendly Marketing Tips For Startups
Avoid becoming a “zombie startup.” Get your name out there with content. …
Q&A With Ben Tuff: Understanding CRM in the Company-Wide Framework
Here’s an irony for you: CRM is all about connecting the dots between your customers, their behaviours, their buying habits both online and offline, and developing a deep understanding of how they relate to your company, yet, businesses often fail to understand how CRM relates …
There’s a buzz stirring in the Fintech community…
In mid-April I had the pleasure of attending the Canadian Fintech BDC 2.0 Summit in Toronto — a two day event showcasing the most innovative Fintech solutions Canada has to offer. The event invited 48 of the best startups from across the country to pitch …
Six Things I’ve Learned One Year Into Business
According to our certificate of incorporation we’re officially a year and a half old, but the business really started on July 23rd 2016, the date my business partner, Caren Carrasco, left a great position to join me in building Benjamin David Group (BDG), our consultancy. …